ZotDefend Cybersecurity Package Installation
Faculty / Researchers
(including staff in labs and research centers)
Most users can self-install the cybersecurity package. If you experience any issues or have questions, contact Engineering Computing Support at security@eng.uci.edu.
Administrative Staff
(including those under the Dean's Office, Academic Departments, and users with Engineering Computing Support-managed devices)
The cybersecurity package has likely already been installed for you. Please verify compliance. If you cannot verify, please contact Engineering Computing Support at security@eng.uci.edu.
Engineering Computing Support provides computing assistance to faculty, staff, researchers and students of the Samueli School of Engineering. If you are from another academic school, find your school's computer support team.
UCI also has a separate, large central computing support organization called the UCI Office of Information Technology. UCI uses a distributed computer support model, with many central services provided by OIT or offered as a paid service, and additional support for school-specific needs provided by the Engineering Computing Support team. You can contact OIT support at oit@uci.edu, or call them at 949-824-2222. Campus-wide service outages are reported at https://status.oit.uci.edu.
Faculty & Researchers
Most Engineering faculty operate their own research computers, often with assistance from or in consultation with Engineering Computer Support. We can also help you interface with OIT. Contact us at helpdesk@eng.uci.edu.
Admininstrative Staff
For assistance, open a ticket with Engineering Computing Support by sending an email to helpdesk@eng.uci.edu.
Information about what to buy, computing labs and software is available at http://laptops.eng.uci.edu or contact labs@eng.uci.edu.
Services Quick Reference:
- Accounts & Passwords
- Administrative Services
- Collaboration Tools
- E-mail & Calendar
- Research Computing
- Research Computing Cyberinfrastructure Center
- High Performance Computing Cluster
- Campus Research Storage Pool (1TB research storage/faculty)
- Teaching and Learning
- Network Services
- Connecting to the Engineering Network
- Connecting a server
- UCI Network Overview
- WiFi (UCInet Mobile Access)
- eduroam (Secure research and education WiFi)
- Residential Housing Network
- Server Registration (network services to off-campus)
- Network Service Request (change a network outlet)
- DNS IP Address Request (connect a new computer to the network)
- Server Infrastructure
- Security and Privacy